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Version: 2.x.x


Basic Syntax

A template function is always called with an Eta config object, which is stored in a variable called E. E has two functions for including partials: include and includeFile.

As of Eta 1.6.0, E.include and E.includeFile are aliased as include and includeFile. Either method works.

<%~ E.include(name, options) %>
<% /* or */ %>
<%~ include(name, options) %>
<%~ E.includeFile(path, options) %>
<% /* or */ %>
<%~ includeFile(path, options) %>


<%~ E.include('my-partial') %>
<%~ E.include('my-partial', {users: it.users}) %>
<%~ E.includeFile('../partials/footer', {description: "Footer" }) %>