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Version: 2.x.x


Here you'll learn how to create a plugin for Eta by creating a plugin that enables layout support.

Note: this tutorial was created before Eta got built-in layout support. This plugin is no longer necessary if you want to use layouts, but we're leaving this tutorial up because it is a helpful example


Feel free to publish NPM/Deno packages based on this code! A good rule of thumb is to begin plugin packages with eta_plugin_. For example, you could create a plugin called eta_plugin_layouts.

Plugin Code

var layoutRegExp = /^@\s*layout\s*\(\s*"([^]*)"\)$/

module.exports = {
processAST: function (buffer, env) {
var firstItem = buffer[0]
if (firstItem.t === "e") {
var val = firstItem.val.trim()

if (layoutRegExp.test(val)) {
var layoutMatch = layoutRegExp.exec(val)
var filePath = layoutMatch[1]

var useLayoutCode =
"tR=" +
(env.async ? "await " : "") +
'E.includeFile("' +
filePath +
buffer.push({ t: "e", val: useLayoutCode })
return buffer

Server Code

var express = require("express")
var app = express()
var Eta = require("eta")
var EtaInherit = require("./plugin-inheritance")

plugins: [EtaInherit],
cache: false

app.engine("eta", Eta.renderFile)
app.set("view engine", "eta")
app.set("views", "./views")

app.get("/", function (req, res) {
res.render("index", {
favorite: "Eta"

app.listen(3000, function () {
console.log("listening to requests on port 3000")

Final Result

<% @layout("./layout") %>

<h2>This page was rendered with Eta</h2>

My favorite template engine is <%= it.favorite %>
<b>This is the footer</b>
<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Page about Eta</title>
<h1>Eta Rendered Page</h1>
Here's the content:<br />
<div style="background:green;">
<%~ includeFile('./footer') %>